
अक्तूबर, 2013 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं


Muhammad the coward He also encourages his men to believe that they will be safe, even to the point of being reckless in battle: [Auf bin Harith asked]  “O Allah’s apostle, what makes Allah laugh with joy at his servant?”  He answered, “When he plunges into the midst of the enemy  without mail. ”  (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 445) As it turns out, Auf took his advice and did exactly that: Auf drew off the mail-coat that was on him and threw it away: then he seized his sword and fought the enemy  till he was slain .  (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 445) Auf’s fate at the Battle of Badr must have made an impression on Muhammad because the next time the prophet of Islam went into battle (at Uhud) he was sure to put on  two coats  of armor beforehand! (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 560) Other parts of the Battle of Uhud seem to support the idea that Muhammad was having second thoughts about the ability of Allah and his angels to protect him.  He not only planted himsel...