
जनवरी, 2017 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Muslims as Refugees

                                                       Muslims as Refugees.   Present day world is divided on the issue Muslim refugees, whether western countries should take in refugees from war torn Islamic countries or not. So called 'liberal' left is eager to take in Muslims to prove that they are not Islamophobic and partly justifying it that western powers have been major reason for the troubles there. But the other side, the right wingers, think that Muslims will be threat to law and order and cultural values of their countries and they refuse to mingle into the culture of these countries. So I thought of compiling how Muslims have behaved historically as a refugees or how they have behaved when someone approcahed them as refugee or how they have cause others to take refuge from them. Muhammad is the person whom Muslims idolize and look up to as an example as Quran has commanded them to do . So lets start with how Muhammad and his followers behaved as refug