Muhammad-The Hypocrite

There are number of times Quran derides some people as hypocrites.

But what about Muhammad? Did he apply values or rules he expected his followers to follow to himself?

Quran says that Muhammad is just a messenger but still allows him to break rules set for Muslims.

1 Maximum Number of women a Muslims can marry was fixed by Allah to 4 but Muhammad had more that 10 wives at one point in time.
Muhammad even asked a person to divorce 4 four of his wives as he had 8 wives before conversion.

2. Islam allows women to remarry after death of their husband but Muhammad prevented his wives from remarrying.

3. Islam allows polygamy an Muhammad himself had many wives but he stopped Ali from marrying anyone other than his Daughter. Ali  married other women only after death of Fatima.

4. Quran says that Muhammad is just a messenger . why should Allah include verses to solve his personal problems?

5. Another hypocrisy inherent in Islam  is regarding adultery. On one hand having out of marriage sex is punishable by lashes or in some cases even stoning to death. Many muslims feel that Islam teaches sexual control as they force Women to cover but on other Quran allows Muslims to have sex with slave girls who may be even married.
How come having sex outside immoral but having sex with slave girls perfectly fine?

6. Quran asks Muslims to marry multiple wives only if they can treat them equally but Muhammad favored Aisha over others. For e.g. his followers used to send him gifts when he was in Aisha's house as he was knowm to be in good mood when in her house. So his other wives asked him to treat them equally and ask Muslim to send gift irrespective of which house he was in. To whic Muhammad initially refused to rely and after constant questioning replied that.. Quranic verse get revealed to him on only when he is in Aisha's bed. His other wives again and again charged him with treating them unequally.

7. Iddah Period:
 Quran:2:234-235 requires Iddah perdiod i.e. period for which a women as to wait before marrying again after divorce or death of husband.
But Muhammad married Safiya the woman whom he took after killing his husband in his attack on Khaiber only after 3 days.
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 522)

8. Removing of hair : Muhammad prohibited women from removing facial hair or doing tattoos while  he himself used to dye his hair and remove mustache.


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