
मार्च, 2019 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Consequences of not having Uniform Civil Code

UNIFORM CIVIL CODE is a directive principle of Bharat's Constitution but unfortunately could not become reality due to minority appeasement which was part of Nehruvian secularism. When Rajiv Gandhi relented to the demands o Muslims groups in Shah Bano Case  after which in my opinion India should not claim to be a secular country. When Shariah is implemented its at the cost of women rights. Here I am listing some cases that I know in which courts had to give verdict aaginst the Indian laws because of Muslim Personal Law. SHAH BANO CASE: Shah Bano, a 62-year-old  Muslim ,  mother of five from  Indore ,  Madhya Pradesh , was divorced by her husband in 1978 but even after winning the case at the  Supreme court of India  was subsequently denied  alimony  because the Indian Parliament reversed the judgement under pressure of Islamic orthodoxy. Delhi court absolves man of raping minor A Muslim man has been absolved of charges of illegally confining and raping a minor from th