Islam and Stoning

Every time there is stoning incident by Muslim community in India, whether it is in Kashmir on one some Hindu religious function passing through a Muslim dominant area one one wonder why this is a favorite way of Mohammedans.

The amount of incident of Mohammedans doing stoning is far more than rest of humanity.

so lets check preference stoning   in Mohammedan cult :

1. A very important ritual of Stoning of a pillar in Mecca which Hajis through stones at symbolizing stoning of Satan. wow so worshiping a stone is not logical as stones are not gods but throwing stones at pillar is great ritual as Satan is there in the pillar.

2. Next example where stoning is important part of Islam is Sharia ruling of stoning people to death for adultery if they are married. Muhammad copied this law from Jews. Although Muhammad used stone people  to death but Quran doesn't mention it as the page on which verse of punishment of stoning was written was eaten by goat sorry a hungry goat whom Allah couldn't stop from eating hi message for whole humanity. Mostly this punishment gets meted out to women as they cannot hide pregnancy while man who may have even raped her would get away if there is not enough evidence against him i.e. 4 male witnesses.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट


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